Tuesday, June 7, 2011


so i just made flight reservations for me and little pop to go home to chicago in july.  we're gonna be there for 7 full days (9 days including the travel days).  i'm excited - i miss hot summer weather and my family and (even though i just saw a few of them) my friends.  i just sent out text messages to those i care to see that i'll be in town and i'm already starting to get that rushed feeling that i always get when i'm home visiting.  it's never enough time to see everyone that i want to see.  it's never enough time with each person that i do see.  there's definitely ways to knock out a few birds with one stone - get a group to go to dinner or the beach or out for drinks - but not all of my friends are part of the same crew.  not that they wouldn't get along for a night, but it's not the same... people don't act totally themselves around people they're not close too/comfortable with (although the nights that it does happen - like my going away party - are a total blast!).  i have friends from jr. high, friends from HS, friends from college, friends that i know randomly - and all of whom i want to spend time with.  i know everyone understands that it's hard to spend a lot of time with each person, but still.  i'm terrible at keeping in touch sometimes - i hate talking on the phone.  text message & facebook & email is about it.  so these moments that i actually get to spend with them mean a lot to me.  the great part is that when i'm with the people i care about it's like i just saw them yesterday - we immediately slide into a comfortable place and pick up where we left off.
and then on top of that i want to spend a lot of time with my parents, and if possible, see some extended family like my grandma.  plus my mom will be on chemo when i'm there so she'll probably want me to be around and do stuff for her.  and i'll want to do some fun things with my dad to relieve him of some of the stress/work.
i do plan on going back in august with shane, although he'll probably only be able to stay for a weekend, which means only one full day, which is hardly worth it.  i really want him to experience chicago in the summertime because it's a total blast.
oh, and then before all of this happens - i'm going to hawaii with shane and his family (and some of their friends) for 9 days.  we're going in 3 weeks and 3 days (yes, i'm counting down).  i am so freaking excited for it!!  it's been almost 3 years since i've been on a real vacation and i'm super stoked.  i seriously know everything that i'm bringing with.  i made a "to bring" list this morning.  i'm a total list maker.  and, since we're going for shane's 30th birthday, i booked massages for him & i on his actual bday a few days ago.  haha can you tell i'm excited?!  it's taking all of my willpower not to just pack right now.
so...what else.  oh, so i guess i forgot to include that the main way i keep in touch with family and friends is through ichatting.  duh.  i love it because i can actually see their faces so it's like we're in the same room.  i ichat with my parents a couple times a week.  this morning when we did, Soda & their dog KC had a serious conversation.  they were barking/whining at each other for a good ten minutes.  it was so cute.  here's some screenshots from their chat sesh:  (and don't mind me - i had just woken up and was still drinking coffee lol)

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