Tuesday, June 7, 2011


i just walked my dog around the block - literally did one loop around the block - and 3 guys stopped me to hit on me/make cat calls.  first of all, i don't even understand it, because it's not like i'm trying to look cute right now: i have no makeup on, hair pulled back in a tight bun, wearing jeans, sneakers, & a baggy shirt that i plan on sleeping in tonight lol (although i guess they couldn't see that because i had a jacket on over it).  2 white guys and a black guy.  the black guy said "oooh girl you so beautiful.  you way cuter than your dog," to which i almost took offense to and told him "really?  because i think my dog is pretty damn cute." and all his friends laughed.
i don't get it though.  do some girls actually like this kind of attention?  because i hate it.  i wish everyone would just leave me alone lol.  no, i don't want you hitting on me while i'm walking my dog around the block.  no, i don't want you hitting on me when i'm in a bar trying to grab a drink and catch up with friends.  no, you yelling out your car window does not turn me on; it makes me laugh at you.  and no, you giving me your number or asking for mine does not impress me - it only shows me that all you care about is the way i look, because you know nothing about me.
i can see how it's flattering, but honestly, sometimes (especially when it happens at night) it makes me nervous because it makes me feel vulnerable and like a target.  the things that run through my head are not "i want to have sex with him," it's more along the lines of "do i have my pepper spray?" or "i hope this guy doesn't try to rape me." or "how quick can i pick up soda and start running?"  when it's in a safer situation, like in daylight or in a bar or something, usually when guys gawk at me i either laugh in their face, look them up and down and make the most disgusted expression i can muster, or just flat out ask them "what are you staring at?"  shane got mad at me once for doing the latter though when i was with him and makes fun of me for it now.  we were at a bar and i think we had only been dating a few weeks and these dudes a couple tables over would not stop staring so finally i was like "what?!  what?!" and shane immediately told me to stop it because he thought they might try to fight him lol.  i didn't know that people did that.
i don't know.  the only guy i love to dress up for and love that kind of attention from is my boyfriend.  maybe some girls like attention like that, but i definitely do not.  so please leave me alone people.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you!

    I had a guy eye-assault me while I was on train home the other day. He was on the platform and I was not getting off until the next stop. He stared and then actually stopped, pointed at me and then kissed the window. I was unsure what to do, but I am sure the horrified look on my face said it all.

    Approach is everything, these guys just do not think. NO CHANCE CREEPS!
