i have to start out by saying that i feel great right now! i am at this high that i havn't felt in so long and i am just riding the wave of it. it's been gorgeous out the past 3 days - 70s/80s in SF, 80s/90s in oakland. hot weather makes me so incredibly happy just on its own. then my professor last night used my work as an example. then last night after class i had the most incredible experience ever. i'm taking a craft of creative nonfiction class (so basically think memoirs & personal essays if you don't know what that is), and we were given an assignment to write a 20 page memoir piece this week. i've been wanting to write a memoir for a really long time now, and kind of figured i would do it after i finished my novel. as i was driving home last night, though, i started writing the story in my head and could hardly wait to get to my computer. i parked my car, took my dog out, and planted myself on the floor, first typing in the notes section of my iphone so i wouldn't forget. i couldn't stop, so i emailed myself what i had so far and then opened up my computer, copied it into a word document (it was already a page), and kept going. i wrote frantically for an hour and a half, my eyes not leaving the screen, my fingers not pausing at the keyboard. it was like i was channeling the story, like everything else around me - the room, everything - blurred and dropped away, i literally felt high, like i was on drugs, and i just HAD to keep going. it was so charged. it was fucking incredible. i finished a whole scene. wrote 5 pages. and i'm loving them. apparently that was a story that i REALLY needed to tell. i immediately had to share it with someone and sent it to shane. i love that i can share my work with him. anyway, i'm still buzzing from it, still riding the wave of highness. i feel great. those moments come so rarely, yet they are indescribable and are what remind us writers of why it is that we write. i love writing so much. i've been loving this semester. loving my classes, my peers' work, my professors. i've felt so inspired lately.
so last night after all this i had a freakout moment of omg if this is what is taking my attention so much right now and where all my energy is going and is having this affect on me, then maybe this is what i need to focus on right now for my thesis. and don't get me wrong, i love my novel, my heart is in it, i've been working on it for so many years and i HAVE to fucking finish it. i can't set it aside right now. but i've also been feeling dull and uninspired by it (although my fiction workshop has really changed that the past few weeks - i've been getting super into it again). so i had my first thesis meeting today and printed out both the manuscript of my novel so far (about 50 pages) and these 5 pages that i wrote last night. cornelia (my thesis advisor) made my day even better. she told me to work on both pieces, whatever takes my attention on a given day and that i could turn them both in for my thesis. i already have surpassed the required number of pages, so now i can just write and enjoy it without having to stress about anything. that was so freeing to hear. and writing last night was so therapeutic and cleansing. so now i feel freed and cleansed. and i just have unlimited energy and my heart is pounding and i feel like i'm rushing forward go go go! and i am in just SUCH a happy mood right now! :D i'm loving my life!!!!!
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